Do you hate to run? Here's 12 Exercises that BURN MORE calories than running!
Although I enjoy running, I know it's not for everyone. I used to hate it, but came to love it a few years ago when I decided to train for a half marathon. Some people just don't enjoy it and that's ok, just like it's ok to love it! If you are one who does not love or even like running, no worries because running is not the only or best way to burn a ton of calories. The average person burns about 10 calories per minute while running.
Here are 12 exercises that top running when it comes to calorie burn:
1. Burpees
Burpees are great for burning calories and shredding body fat. The American College of Sports Medicine found that a 180 pound man could burn almost 1.5 calories per burpee. Challange yourself to do as many as you can in a minute. Track your progress and have a friendly competition with yourself.
2. Jumping Rope
Have you forgotten about jumping rope? I personally burn just as many calories jumping rope as I do running! I do it almost in every workout to boost my heart rate up for about 60 seconds. It's also great for balance and coordination. A moderate intensity jump rope session burns 13 calories a minute.
3. Running Stairs
Now this one will work the legs and burn the calories! I love adding these into my workouts. Be sure to have your whole foot on the stair and push with the legs. You can burn up to 500 calories in 30 minutes and up to 1000 in an hour!
I know most won't be running stairs for an hour or even 30 minutes, but how about 5 minutes? That would give you about a 85 calorie burn. Try that once, twice or even three times during your workout. It will add up quick!
4. Battle Ropes
These make me feel strong and I love them. These exercises achieve a calorie burn of nearly 10.5 per minute.
5. Rowing
Rowing burns an large amount of calories and builds the upper body at the same time. You can burn up to 682 calorie per hour! Rowing is a great and effective exercise you can add to your routine once a week.
6. Dancing
While your in your house and need to burn some calories, turn up the music and have some fun! Dancing burns up to 443 calories and hour!
7. Walking Uphill with Weights
While you're out for a walk grab some weights and chose the route with hills. Walking on an incline will get your heart rate up as much as when running! Climbing hills with 10-20 lb weights can burn you up to 443 calories an hour. A great inexpensive way to burn some calories.
8. Roller Skating or Inline Skating
One of my favortie things to do growing up! I loved it! A fun way to burn calories and make it a family event is roller skating. Or inline skating on a boardwalk with a view of the ocean isn't bad either. Skating provides a really intense calorie burning workout while working those legs!
10. Kickboxing or Boxing
Another one of my faves! Boxing is good for the mind and body. It makes you feel strong and confident and at the same time put you in great shape. The average boxing session burns around 727 calories per hour.
11. Bicycling
If you enjoy being outdoors then hop on your bike. A moderate ride for an hour will burn up to 571 calories.
12. Circuit Training
My favorite workout is circuit training. Keeps it interesting, hits the entire body and keeps the heart rate up for a great burn. One hour of circuit training will burn up to 600 calories! SCORE!
So take your pick and get started. There's too mnay things to choose from to not get active. Make sure you enjoy it, make it fun and enjoy the burn!
For more info on personal circuit training sessions email me at
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”1 Corinthians 6:19-20