At Home Circuit!
So we are all preparing for the snow and ice that is headed our way! Schools close, roads shut down and milk and bread are gone at the grocery store. But will we get our workout in??? Seems like this kind of weather causes up to want to curl up with a warm blankey, fire, glass of wine and a box of Valentine treats! Before you throw in the towel on your workout, I have a workout for you that you can do at home without one piece of equipment and burn a ton of calories.
This workout will give you strength and cardio.
All you need is a timer and your body.
Each pair of exercises will take 5 minutes to complete.
You will alterate between each exercise for 30 seconds each until your 5 minutes is up and then move on to the next set.
Set 1
Push Ups and Tricep Dips
Alternate between these two for 30 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes.
Push Ups can be done on the knees or toes. Keep your core tight!
Dips can be done off a chair, couch or even on the floor.

Take a 1 minute break before you start your next 5 minute interval.
Set 2
Squats and Jumping Jacks
Alternate between these two for 30 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes.
Feet are hip-width apart on your squat. Make sure your knees don't go past your toes when you squat. Sit you butt back and keep your chest up.
Perfom a full jack or a half jack for your jumping jacks.

Take a 1 minute break before you start your next 5 minute interval.
Set 3
Jumping Lunges or Regular Lunges and Burpees
Alternate between these two for 30 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes.
For a great leg and cardio mix on the lunge you can jump the lunge alternating between legs. Again be sure the knee doesn't go past the toes. If the jumping lunge is too much then you can alternate regular forward lunges.
Do you best on the burpee. As many as you can in each 30 second interval. Keep your core tight!

Take a 1 minute break before you start your next 5 minute interval.
Set 4
High Knees or Knee Lifts and Plank Ups
Alternate between these two for 30 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes.
You can perform a fast high knee or knee lifts adding your arms in pulling them up and down. You really want to get the heart rate up on these so if you are going with the lower impact knee lift be sure to add the arms.
With the plank up you will start in a plank position on your elbows on your knees or toes and lift from elbow to hands alternating each side. Continue to move from elbow to hands and back down. Core is tight!

Take a 1 minute break before you start your next 5 minute interval.
Set 5
Mountain Climbers and Jump Rope
Alternate between these two for 30 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes.
Mountain Climbers are great for core, legs and upper body! Do your best during your 30 second intervals. If you have a jump rope you will alternate with jump roping. If not you can pretend you have a rope!
After you complete your 5 sets, Repeat the entire circuit with only 3 minute intervals.
This will give you a great 50 minute workout, keeping your heart rate up.
Have fun and do your best!
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20