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Easing in from Vacation

I recently returned from a wonderful vacation in Cancun. I always learn something new with every trip. What not to do next time! So I wanted to share some tips with you to help ease your PTSFV - Post Traumatic Stress From Vacation. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes :) Coming home from a fun and busy trip can cause you to get a little down and even stressed out about the re-entry into reality.


The last thing you want to do when you get home is to unpack but it has to be done. It’s tempting to leave your luggage lying around for a few extra days, but resist the temptation. Unpack as soon as you get home. You don't need this hanging over your head all week and you are getting ready to shift back into work mode. Who needs the constant reminder that your vacation is over and a thing of the past!


I've made the mistake, more than once, of not having an extra couple days when I get home to settle back in and take care of things at home. When you're planning your trip and you fly in the day before you have to start your week, it all sounds like fun and games at the time because you're excited, but TAKE MY ADVICE, it's no fun when you get home and Monday is staring at you in the face! You need time to do laundry, finish up some chores and restock the fridge for the upcoming week. Sometimes knowing you have an extra couple of days off before heading back to work can make the transition less stressful.


Allow yourself to sleep in the day before you go back to work. Vacations can be fun, but they can be exhausting, too. Often times we feel like we need a vacation from our vacation. Traveling takes a lot out of you mentally and physically so take some extra time to bounce back physically before you head back to work. Even a small time change can affect how you feel when you return home and affect your sleep. Keep in mind that you might need some extra time to get your internal clock back on track.


One mistake I will not make again is have an extremely busy week planned. Allow yourself some extra time even if that means pushing back that meeting a day or two when you get back. Allow your first day or two to be a little slower pace and save your busy days for mid-week. If you know your schedule is packed, go in an hour or two early to catch up on emails and get prepared. Try to build in some extra time to set yourself up for your first week back.


When I'm on vacation I relax and enjoy it. Sometimes that means not eating exactly like I would at home and not exercising as regularly as I do. It can be hard to come home and get back on track. Give yourself some grace as your body is tired and not always ready for the strict regimen you normally give it. Sometimes jumping in to hard will set you back physically. I've learned that too. Take it day by day and be gentle on your body. It needs time to recover. By the end of the week you will be back to your normal routine and feeling like your old self again.


Plan something to look forward to after you get back. I typically don't have a problem with this. We love to plan a vacation while on vacation. Even something as simple as hanging out with close friends can lighten the load of that first week back. Be sure not to overload your first weekend back. You will still need some extra rest!

No matter what strategy you choose, taking some extra time for yourself will make getting back to work after a vacation that much easier and before you know it, your PTSFV will be a thing of your past!

Below is some pics from our trip!

My Family and My Happy Place!

Fine Dining at the Mexican restaurant at The Grande Palace

I want purple hair!

View from our room

So fun with friends!


Roof Top Pool at Beach Palace

Me and my love enjoying the view from the roof top pool at Beach Palace
Flying Home makes for sad faces!

Flying Home makes for sad faces!

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

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