New Trending Foods for 2015
Each year we find ourselves learning about the next healthiest food we should be eating. Over the past 10 years there has been so much change as to what is good for you and what is not. It does take time to research how our bodies react to different foods. I am always eager to learn about new ideas and what can make my body healthier. The key is being balanced and appling what you have learned one day at a time. Trying to change everything you do all at once can be overwhelming and most people throw their hands up and give up.
Here are a couple new items you may be seeing more of this year to think about adding to your kitchen.

What are they?
Well if you haven't already seen it, I'm sure you will soon. Kalettes are a brand-new hybrid vegetable, made of kale and brussels sprouts. I love the nutty taste in brussle sprouts and this new vegetable is described to combine the flavors of sweet and nutty. It has a beautiful color to make any plate pop. Not to mention kalettes are high in vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and protein, and I'm sure you will be seeing them pop up this year.

What is it?
Just about everyone has heard of or eaten quinoa at this point. It's popular as a great side dish, in salads or a replacement for rice just to name a few. Amaranth, derived from Aztecs, is similar to quinoa and buckweheat in that it is a grain with high-quality plant protein. Amaranth is packed with iron and calcium, and its fiber content is triple that of wheat. Amaranth is completely gluten-free for those looking for other options on gluten-free diets. It's a great option to add to your menu if quinoa is getting old!
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20